These Are The Best Dumbbell Exercises To Get A Toned Physique And Sizzling Hot Body - Healthy Lifestyle

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These Are The Best Dumbbell Exercises To Get A Toned Physique And Sizzling Hot Body

Looking for dumbbell exercises to specifically target key muscle groups? If you find yourself stuck in a fitness rut aimlessly Googling tummy exercises, bum exercises or the best exercises for abs, it might be time to include some humble dumbbell exercises into your workout routine.
Use dumbbell exercises in your workout sessions. Used smartly, dumbbell exercises can improve your fitness by challenging a muscle in new ways, forcing it to adapt.
In this 10-minute full-body workout, you only use one dumbbell for five different dumbbell exercises– but don’t think you’re getting off lightly. Training one side at a time means that you really have to recruit your core for stability.
The Workout:
  • For moves 4 and 5, start with a 4kg weight and build up to 6kg when you can do sets comfortably – it should be hard.
  • Do each move for 1 minute on your right side, then repeat on your left; that’s a 10-minute round.
  • Want to do it all again? Be our guest.

1. Squat Thruster:

Targets: Shoulders, legs, glutes. Use: 6kg dumbbell.

2. Deadlift Upright Row:

Targets: Legs, shoulders, upper back. Use: 6kg dumbbell.

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