5 Squat And Lunge Variations That Seriously Tone Your Backside - Healthy Lifestyle

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5 Squat And Lunge Variations That Seriously Tone Your Backside

Squats and lunges are some of the best bodyweight exercises. They both target and tone your entire lower body and are staples in leg and butt toning. But, your body can get used to them if you do them a lot—so mixing it up with some variations is a great idea!
Squats and lunges are tough, they make you sore, and repetitive exercise can sometimes get boring. Lucky for you, we’ve got a solution…to the boring part! Finding squat and lunge variations to switch up your routine is key to making progress if you’re easily bored by exercise, or simply want to add a little variety to your workout!
These 5 variations require no equipment and will activate muscle groups that traditional lunge and squats may not.  Incorporate these moves into your workout to tone your legs and feel stronger than ever!
Want yours to be the talk of the town? This five-minute workout features squats and lunges that target all areas of your butt to give you a lifted look that would be the envy of any celeb.

Basic Squat

A basic squat is the cornerstone of strong gluteus maximus muscles (aka a toned backside). When you squat, pretend you are sitting in a chair, and remember to keep your weight in your heels.

Walking Lunge

All types of lunges are great for working your backside. This exercise also tones your thighs. Remember to keep your weight in your heel as you come down into a lunge, and lift your toes up as you’re stepping back up from a lunge in order to make the move more effective. For a full-body move, hold dumbbells or a medicine ball.
How to:
  • Stand upright, feet together.
  • Take a controlled step forward with your right leg, curling the dumbbells to your shoulders and keeping your elbows close to the body.
  • Lower hips toward the floor and bend both knees (almost at 90-degree angles). The back knee should come close but never touch the ground.
  • Your front knee should be directly over the ankle, and the back knee should be pointing down toward the floor.
  • Push off with your left foot and bring it forward to starting position, lowering the dumbbells to your side. This completes one rep.
  • Next step forward and repeat with the left leg as your front leg.
  • Repeat for one minute.

How to:
  • Start with your feet directly under your hips.
  • Step your right foot wide to the side, coming into a lunge with your left fingers touching your right foot.
  • Your right knee shouldn’t go beyond your right toes.
  • Keep your chest lifted and your weight in your heels.
  • Push into your right foot to return to standing, then lunge sideways to the left to complete one rep.
  • Repeat for one minute.

Sumo Squat

Widening your legs as you do in the sumo squat (aka plié squat) helps you work your glutes even more. Raise the bar by adding arm-sculpting bicep curls.

Goblet Squat

End with a deep squat, which will target your thighs and hips. Once you master this deep squat, try holding a dumbbell or kettlebell for an added challenge.
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