Get Rid of Loose Skin after Weight Loss - Healthy Lifestyle

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Get Rid of Loose Skin after Weight Loss

How to Get Rid of Loose Skin after Weight Loss – You must be wondering what is wrong after working for weeks and months to lose weight only to end up with loose, ugly skin. Some call it a weight loss loose skin myth, but we can assure you that this is no myth.
It is frustrating and extremely discouraging to find out you end up with loose skin after busting your butt just to get in shape. Truthfully, the loose skin has the potential to become an embarrassing problem, most especially when you lose body weight rapidly.
The good news is it is possible to tighten your skin without surgery. Do not get discouraged yet about that loose skin. You can still show off that toned, lean and healthy looking body and we are going to show you how.
In this article, we are going to show you how to tighten skin after weight loss naturally.

What Causes Loose Skin after Weight Loss

The skin is a fascinating living organ. It stretches as we grow and move. Alternatively, the skin can also shrink when you decide to lose weight. Just like all the other organs of your body, the skin is comprised of cells.
Your skin has different layers and these layers have different types of cells. The cells on the outer part of the skin are always being lost and replaced, but the cells under the outer part of your skin are more permanent.
These layers of skin are composed of several elastic tissues, blood vessels, fibers that all connect and can also contract or stretch depending on how you treat them.
When your body loses weight rapidly, the components of skin lose multiple layers of fat that have kept them stretched over a long time. However, these components do not have enough time to become adapt to their new shape.
If you want to avoid loose skin after weight loss, then it is advisable to “avoid losing weight very fast”.

How to Get Rid of Loose Skin after Weight Loss Naturally and Permanently

Best  DIY Homemade Skin Tighten Recipes

Below are the best ways you can tighten loose skin. You can prepare these natural remedies from the comfort of your homes. Follow the skin-tightening recipe and ingredients to remedy the loose skin after weight loss.

1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is the oil gotten from the white part of the coconut. It has become an important ingredient in many kitchens worldwide and can be used to tighten your skin.
It is an extremely powerful antioxidant. Coconut oil can help to remove free radicals that can damage the skin. The oil also moisturizes and hydrates your skin, and can be a good remedy to get rid of loose skin after weight loss.
  • Coconut oil
  • Begin with a teaspoon of coconut oil
  • Massage the coconut oil into your skin for about 5-10 minutes before you go to bed.
  • Keep the coconut oil on your body until the next morning.

2. Egg White and Honey Mask

Egg white and honey are remarkable for their numerous health benefits (1). Now imagine the combination of these two powerful foods. Both these foods can be combined to make a powerful mask that can get rid of loose skin after weight loss.
Egg white is known to be rich in protein albumin. This protein albumin works to rebuild skin cells and improves the elasticity of your skin. It also gives a natural glow to your skin (2). Honey, on the other hand, is a very powerful antioxidant. It removes the toxins that occupy your skin. Combine the foods and you have a powerful mask to tighten your skin.
  • Egg white
  • Honey
  • Remove 1 egg white from the yolk
  • Mix it with about 2 tablespoons of honey
  • Apply this mask to your face, chest or any of the affected areas
  • Leave the mask on for about 15 minutes and then wash off with warm water
  • Pat dry thereafter
  • Use this mask once a week for optimum result.

3.Olive Oil

Olive oil has long been around for centuries and used as a moisturizer, cleanser and an antibacterial agent. It helps to protect the skin from the rays of the sun and gives it a radiant glow.
The oil is a powerful antioxidant and has a substantial healthy number of vitamin E. This vitamin E helps to get rid of loose skin after weight loss.
  • Olive Oil
  • Take a shower in the evening
  • Thereafter, massage the olive oil into your chest, face and other affected areas
  • Continue to massage for a few minute for the oil to penetrate your skin
  • Alternatively, you can use olive oil daily instead of your body lotion.

4. Coffee Scrub

Coffee has been popular for decades as a morning beverage that helps to kick-start your day. However, this wonderful beverage is also used at night to tighten your skin and make your skin younger.
Coffee contains numerous health benefits; notable among them is the antioxidants that make your skin younger and tighten the skin. Combine coffee with other substances and use it as a scrub to get rid of loose skin after weight loss and remove stubborn fat deposits.
  • ¼ cup coffee grounds
  • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • ¼ cup brown sugar
  • Slightly heat the coconut oil to make it liquid
  • Then mix all the ingredients together
  • Use your fingers and apply this mixture to scrub the affected areas for about 3 minutes
  • Thereafter, use warm water to rinse the mixture
  • Use the scrub once a week

5. Witch Hazel

The witch hazel is a plant with numerous health benefits. Notable among them is the ability to tighten loose skin. You can easily buy witch hazel online.
The plant is popular as an astringent as it works to tighten the skin and shrink pores. It also reduces the breakdown of elastin and collagen in your skin.
  • Witch Hazel
  • Cotton ball
  • Soak a cotton ball with witch hazel
  • Apply it to the affected area at night before you go to bed
  • Allow it on for about 5 minutes and let it dry
  • Ensure you do not rinse your skin after

6. Epsom Salt Soak

Also known as magnesium sulfate, Epsom salt has long been popular to reduce swelling especially in your ankles or feet. However, this same procedure can be used on your skin and other parts of your body.
The salt soaks excess water from your body. It also improves all-around circulation and this, in turn, helps to tighten your skin.
  • Epsom salt
  • Warm water bath
  • Put about 2 cups of Epsom salt in a warm water bath
  • Soak your body in the bath for about 15-20 minutes
  • You might decide not to rinse your body after the bath
  • Use the Epsom warm water bath twice a week.

7. Yogurt Mask

Yogurts are delicious and are a very healthy addition to your daily diet. They can also be applied to your skin to tighten and smooth your skin.
Most milk products, of which yogurt is among, contains a significant number of lactic acid. These lactic acid helps to shrink pores and tighten your skin.
  • 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt
  • 2 drops of lime juice
  • Begin by mixing adding 2 drops of lime juice to 2 tablespoons of yogurt
  • Apply the mix to your face, chest and other affected areas and massage it into your skin for about 10 minutes.
  • Allow it on for about 5 minutes and wash off with warm water.
  • You can do this twice a week

8. Cucumber

Cucumbers are known to be one of the best natural skin toners available. It has the ability to tighten loose skin without any side effects. They are also able to rejuvenate and refresh any tired skin with a boost in complexion. Below are the best 3 ways you can use cucumber to tighten your skin.
#1.Cucumber Juice – Ingredients
  • ½ a cucumber
  • Strainer
  • Put the ½ cucumber in a blender and grind
  • Squeeze the juice off it through a strainer
  • Then apply the juice to your face, chest and other affected areas
  • Allow it on for about 15 minutes
  • Thereafter, rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry with soft towel
  • You can apply this every day
#2. Cucumber Pulp – Ingredients
  • ½ a cucumber
  • Put the half cucumber in a blender and grind
  • Then apply the formed pulp to your chest, face and other affected areas
  • Allow it on for about 15 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water
  • Pat your skin dry with towel
  • You can repeat this process daily
#3. Cucumber Mask – Ingredients
  • ½ a cucumber
  • One egg white
  • 3 drops of vitamin E oil
  • Put ½ a cucumber in a blender and grind
  • Squeeze the juice off it by putting it in a strainer
  • Mix the juice with one egg white combined with 3 drops of the vitamin E oil
  • Apply the formed mask to your face and other affected areas and leave it on for about 15 minutes to dry
  • Afterwards, wash off with lukewarm water and then pat dry.
  • You can use this mask one every week

9. Honey and Olive Oil

Honey is of immense benefit to the skin. It does a decent job of hydrating dry skin, using antioxidants to fight free radicals, keeping the skin clean and its anti-inflammatory properties to reduce redness. All these great benefits can help tighten your skin and make it smooth.
  • 3 teaspoons of honey
  • 3 drops of olive oil
  • Get a small bowl and mix the 3 tablespoons of honey together with 3 drops of olive oil
  • Then apply the formed mask to your chest, neck and other affected areas
  • Allow it on for about 15 minutes and let it dry
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and use cool water to also counteract the friction

3 Best Exercises to Get Rid of Loose Skin after Weight Loss

There are also exercises that can help you have a light-toned, and good-looking skin after weight loss. These exercises are pretty simple to perform and are just perfect for beginners. Below are some of these exercises to tighten loose skin after weight loss;

1. Reverse Lunges

This exercise helps to build a metabolically active lean muscle under your skin. They will tighten your skin and boost your calorie burn. The reverse lunge works your quadriceps and gives you increased strength. You can do this with a pair of dumbbells.
How to do the Reverse Lunge
  • Begin by grabbing a pair of dumbbells
  • Stand upright and ensure your feet are together with your arms at your sides
  • Then step back using your left foot and lower yourself into a lunge
  • Make sure you bend both your knees at a 90-degree angle
  • Ensure your right thigh is parallel to the floor and your torso upright
  • Bring your left foot forward and return to starting position with your feet together
  • You can perform 20 alternating reps

2. Push-Ups

Push-Ups might be basic but it is one exercise with immense benefit. This classic workout is a total body exercise that can help you tighten loose skin. The workout also increases your strength. It works your core and your lower body.
How to do the Push-Ups
  • Start by assuming a full plank position and make sure your abs are engaged
  • Let your hands be slightly wider than the width of your shoulders and make sure your feet are together
  • Now bend your elbows out sideways and lower your body down to the floor
  • Then bring yourself back up to the starting position
  • You can do 15 reps of the push-ups

3. Sumo Squat

The sumo squat is a great and powerful lower body exercise. It is different from the traditional squat in that it allows the use of heavier resistance loads. This workout will help to tighten loose skin and build your thigh muscles.
How to do the Sumo Squat
  • Begin by holding a pair of dumbbells and stand with your feet wide apart
  • Then turn your knees and toes out slightly at about a 45-degree angle
  • Now bend out your knees over your toes
  • Push back your hips and bring your torso down towards the floor at the same time your arms get to the ground.
  • Return to starting position
  • You can do 20 reps of the sumo squat
Many people get a loose skin after weight loss. You might be asking yourself “does loose skin after weight loss go away?” Obviously yes, try out the above recipes and you will be surprised at the result.
The above natural homemade skin tighten recipe will help tighten and tone skin, get rid of loose skin after weight loss and give you a glowing and fascinating skin. Before you decide to go for loose skin surgery after weight loss , try these homemade skin-tightening recipes. It is definitely a great alternative to the excess skin after weight loss surgery cost.
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