Vinegar and baking soda have traditionally been used in many ways for all types of health and beauty remedies. They are both effective and cheap products and foods that are easy to find, which is why you should always have them at home.
In addition to being used to clean the house or to wash the hair naturally, we will explain in this article how this mixture can be a cure that prevents all types of diseases and help to maintain an ideal weight. Incredible, right?
This combination brings all the benefits of apple cider vinegar and baking soda. Baking soda and apple cider vinegar have opposite pH, they are alkaline and acid, and so you can freely consume this drink without harming your health. In this way, you get all the properties of the remedy without acidifying the body, which often already has an altered pH due to poor diet or bad habits. On the other hand, although many people consume baking soda to fight gastric acidity, this is not necessarily good in the long term because an alteration of the naturally acidic pH of the stomach can occur. You need sufficient hydrochloric acid in the stomach to allow the proper digestion of food.
Apple cider vinegar is a very healthy food, able to both purge the body and revitalize it, thanks to its important nutritional values. It contains vitamins A and B, essential fatty acids, enzymes and many minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, iron and silica, among others.
- It helps to eliminate the toxins thanks to its sulfur content and, moreover, acts directly on the liver by helping it to better metabolize the fats.
- It prevents urinary tract infections and cares for the kidneys, as it helps clean the urinary tract and maintains urine acid.
- It boosts the metabolism and eliminates excess fat from the body, which helps in the weight loss process.
- It is an effective diuretic because it eliminates excess fluid from the body.
- It prevents ocular dryness due to its vitamin A content.
- It improves digestion because it is rich in enzymes. It can be very useful in the case of flatulence, gastric acidity, sensations of heaviness, etc.
- It combats constipation by improving the condition of the intestinal flora.
- It reduces the inflammation of the gums. In this case we recommend you use it as a mouthwash before eating.
- It eliminates mucus in the case of colds or sinusitis.
- It reduces cholesterol, triglycerides and uric acid levels.
- It soothes coughs and sore throats.
- It prevents muscle cramps due to its mineral content.
- It improves the condition of the skin and hair, thanks to the vitamins and minerals that compose it.
- It reduces the risk of stones, biliary, hepatic or kidney stones.
- It combats gastric hyperacidity, relieving it immediately; In addition, it treats and prevents gastric ulcers, which occur in environments that are too acidic.
- It prevents kidney stones from uric acid.
- It calms down urinary tract infections.
- It improves dental health and prevents problems such as cavities, gingivitis or tartar.
The ideal dosage is as follows:
- A glass of warm or warm water, because cold water can be harmful to the liver
- 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
- A pinch of baking soda
It is preferable that the apple cider vinegar is organic and of the best quality. To obtain maximum effectiveness, it is better to consume unpasteurized vinegar. In this way you can benefit from all its properties.
How to consume it?
You can drink one to three glasses a day of this drink, but it is fundamental to always take it on an empty stomach, at least one hour before the next meal.
If you want to clean your body, you must have a drink one hour before each of the three meals of the day. If you simply want to maintain the body clean, you have to drink a glass on an empty stomach, at least one hour before breakfast.