Eliminate Cellulite with Cinnamon - Healthy Lifestyle

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Eliminate Cellulite with Cinnamon

Cellulite is more common in women and, often, it’s because genetics. However, there are other factors that give birth to cellulite. A diet low in nutrients and high in fat, lazy metabolism, physical inactivity, hormonal changes or dehydration makes your skin look like the orange peel. On a dark skin, cellulite is more difficult to observe. Cinnamon – your ally against cellulite A study revealed that cinnamon extract is very effective in removing cellulite. Researchers analyzed 80 women with cellulite, 40 of which were subject to anti-cellulite massages and 40 treated with cinnamon oil. The result showed that only 10% of those treated with anti-cellulite massage had an improvement in skin appearance, while in the other group, 60% of the study participants faced a fat layer reduction. Cinnamon is rich in antioxidants and improves blood circulation throughout the body. Maybe you didn’t know, but cellulite appears due to circulation problems. In addition, this spice normalizes the substance changes in the skin, resulting in faster calories burning and weight loss. It’s advisable consuming cinnamon daily. Add cinnamon in coffee, over cereal or in smoothies.

Cinnamon with water eliminate cellulite

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