Diet: An Eight-Hour Diet – up to 9 Lbs Less in a Week - Healthy Lifestyle

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Diet: An Eight-Hour Diet – up to 9 Lbs Less in a Week

The “eight-hour diet” is a plan for the weakening of David Zinchenko and Peter Moore, which they presented in the book: “Eight-hour Diet – Watch how the kilos disappear while you eat what you want.”

With this diet, David promises readers that they can lose a lot of pounds and eat whatever they want. Is not this the dream of every lover of food?

But there is one very important rule -You can eat ONLY at a time interval that lasts exactly 8 hours-there is no eating outside of this interval.

Otherwise, this concept is not new and so far there have been several diets that recommend changing post and normal nutrition by having a limited time frame (week – two). And this is why this and similar diets are based on the theory that the human body is designed for periods of more eating and then periods of fasting, i.e. not food intake.

So, there are cycles of 8 hours when you literally eat (well, the measure must always exist), then a cycle of 16 hours when nothing is eaten. And so every day. Over the course of 16 hours, the human body must be concentrated on rest and recovery, not on constant digestion

What are the “ideal” 8 hours for consuming food?

We have already learned that within 24 hours, only one interval of 8 hours consumes food. Now, the question is which eight-hour period is the best for us? Most diets argue that the ideal period is from 09 to 17, but in practice the period from 08 to 16 or 10 to 18 is not unusual. Whichever one chooses: the only and basic thing is within it to eat all the planned daily calories.

So, the time interval can be adjusted depending on your daily schedule and may even be different on different days during the week.

Eat as much as you like

There is no food forbidden in this diet, but do not let this diet be an excuse to overdo it. The only exception to this rule are sweet drinks, because the eight-hour diet does not include the calories found in beverages (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) -not that they can not be consumed-certainly moderately.

And what if breakfast is late?

Real situation: Since too many commitments, you have not managed to “store” breakfast time and thus the beginning of the eight-hour period of nutrition. And there is a solution: drink tea or coffee, and when you are given an opportunity, start with your eight-hour cycle of diet. So, you can not eat before 10 in the morning? Nothing terrible, at 8 o’clock drink something from the above mentioned, finish your obligations and start with breakfast at 10 o’clock.

Eat whatever you want

Unlike other diets, these snacks are allowed and can be eaten frequently within the eight-hour period. However, sound logic also says that it’s important to be critical and to select higher quality snacks (it is better, for example, to eat roasted seeds and nuts and dried fruits, rather than salted sticks, chips, etc.). The general recommendations are also valid here – it is always better to consume as much natural food as possible and to reduce industrial production.

Example of a menu for a day
  • After getting up: water, coffee or tea.
  • Breakfast at 10 am: muesli, glass of milk, one piece of fruit, scrambled eggs, toast, coffee / tea
  • Snack (when desired): Cereal cereal (eg, buns)
  • Lunch (when you want): 2 pizzas, homemade chips or french fries, 1 apple.
  • Snack (when desired): 1 cake or 1 ice cream or fruit of choice.
  • Dinner at 6 pm: Snacked white chicken meat, 2 boiled potatoes sprinkled with spoon butter, steamed broccoli, ice cream.
  • Does not it look a bit bad, right?

Only 8 minutes of exercise

The dieters recommend eight minutes of exercise each day. We personally think that this is said as a joke for everything to be i the sign of number 8, but because it is written in the book it should be mentioned.
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