5 Minute Effective Workouts For Side Fat and Belly Pooch - Healthy Lifestyle

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5 Minute Effective Workouts For Side Fat and Belly Pooch

A five minute workout that replaces one hour in the gym. An exhausting workout in the gym doesn’t suit everyone and let’s be honest, sometimes we have no time for it. However, this is not an exercise to avoid exercise. Quick interval training is really effective due to its high pace. A large number of calories is burnt in a short period.
Let’s try these five simple exercises that will take you just 5 minutes.

Exercise number one: Squats

Place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Start crouching down pulling the pelvis back as if you want to sit on a chair. Crouch as low as possible keeping your back straight. Return to the initial position, straining the leg and butt muscles. You need to repeat this simple exercise for only 60 seconds.

Losing weight in such problem areas as the legs, buttocks and belly is probably the most prevalent issue in fitness. The beginner level exercises like squats are pretty effective and beneficial. If you perform this exercise regularly every day, your whole body will transform within a month. For this easy exercise you don’t need special equipment or gym membership. You can perform it just about anywhere.

Exercise number two: push-ups

Take the plank position with your arms straight, your hands should be shoulder width apart and knees shoulders and feet are in one line. Slowly start lowering your body bending your arms and keeping elbows close to your body. Return to the initial position for a start. You should perform the exercise for at least 30 seconds.

This exercise greatly works the pectoral muscles and triceps. If you’re new to push-ups, begin by doing them on your knees or while resting against a chair or sofa.

Exercise three: Mountain Climber

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Tense your abs, lift the right leg and pull it to your chest. Your back and hips must be stiff. Go back to the initial position and do the same for the left leg. This exercise takes about 30 seconds. Take your time and watch your posture.

This exercise will strengthen your stomach muscles and help you burn calories. Don’t push yourself too hard if you feel exhausted. Pause the exercise and take a break.

Exercise number four: Lunges

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and hands at the waist. Take a big step forward with your left foot. The left should form at a right angle and the right knee should almost touch the floor. Go back to the starting position with a push from the forward leg. Repeat the exercise with your right leg. This exercise requires only one minute.

When doing this exercise it’s very important to keep your back straight.
Place your arms beside your body. Jump up while spreading your legs to the sides and raising your arms above your head. Go to the initial position with a quick jump. 45 seconds is enough for this exercise. Take the initial position relax your shoulder and neck.

This exercise called jumping jacks forms a part of military training in the USA as it improves physical and aerobic endurance. If you feel your muscles burn that means you’re doing it right. keep jumping for the remaining time. The workout should make you feel energized but not exhausted so don’t overdo it.

Rotating Single-Leg Plank

Reps: On each side of your body. As many as you can in 30 seconds.
Start the workout in an elbow plank with your left leg extended to full length behind your hip and abs engaged. In this position, shift your weight onto your right arm. Now gradually rotate your torso to the left while keeping the left leg lifted, giving you are complete side plank position. Without lowering the left leg, hold in this position for 1 count then rotate back to elbow plank. Do this as many as you can in 30 seconds, repeat the same with the other side.

Lie face down with your arms and legs extended to full length, make sure your body forms a large ‘X’. While you extend spine, lift your chest and thighs above ground, leaving your legs and arms hovering.

Try to reach your right arm and left leg towards the ceiling at the same time maintaining the extension and steadiness in the torso. Switch sides as quickly as you can (as if swimming). Do as many repetitions as you can in a 60 seconds duration.
Here’s a summary of the workout that might be handy for you.
Squats: 60 seconds.
Push-ups: 30 seconds
Mountain climber: 30 seconds
Lunges: 60 seconds
Jumps: 45 seconds
Rotating Single-Leg Plank: 30 seconds
Swimmer: 60 seconds
keep performing this set of exercises everyday at home or in your backyard and your body will transform within a month. You’ve already taken the first step toward your dream body. Have you ever tried these exercises before? how do they work for you? share your experience in the comments below so that others may get help.
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