12 Signs You Have Vitamin D Deficiency (And How To Get More) - Healthy Lifestyle

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12 Signs You Have Vitamin D Deficiency (And How To Get More)

Vitamin D deficiency is a common problem among people of all ages and sexes all over the world. More than 57% of American adults and 36% of the teenagers in  USA and Europe have problems with the deficiency of this vitamin. We need this vitamin more than we think we do simply because it has a big role in the functioning of our bones and muscles. We also need to keep the levels of vitamin D under control because it has been related to risks of developing cancer, coronary heart failure, diabetes and high blood pressure.
This problem is not that easy to spot, and a lot of patients don’t even know that they have one until it is too late. This explains why you need to check the vitamin D levels a couple of times per year if you would like to prevent some health problems.
The best way to get a lot of this vitamin is to expose yourself on the sun. You can realize how much sun you need to get according to your skin color, age, time of the day spent sunbathing and how much sunscreen you use when you are sunbathing. Keep the sun exposure to 10-15 minutes on a daily basis in order to avoid using sunscreen which block the absorption of vitamin D. And if you would like to keep sunbathing for longer you are going to need to use a high-quality sunscreen. But, keep in mind that there is another problem with using  sunscreen, a lot of scientists have considered it as a carcinogenic substance. But there are a couple of herbal options that you can try and use in order to stop the sunburns from appearing on your skin.
But, sunshine is not the only source of this vitamin that you can use, there are also a lot of dietary sources that you can use to satisfy your body’s needs of this vitamin. For the people who cannot expose themselves on a lot of sunshine from one reason or another we would recommend consuming some vitamin D dietary supplements or consume more tuna, animal liver, cheese, egg yolks etc.

Here are the 12 signs of vitamin D deficiency:

  • Muscle and bone weakness
Our muscle tissue and bones really need vitamin D in order to function correctly, because lac of vitamin D might cause brittle bones, weak teeth and muscular tissues.
  • Sadness and feeling blue
Scientific research have shown us that low levels of this vitamin can cause sadness and in some extreme cases even depression.
  • Increased sensitivity to ache
Chronic ache and people affected by it are also a subject of research and it is shown that they also have low levels of this vitamin.
  • Gum sickness
This deficiency can also result in bleeding from the gums, swelling and redness.
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Vitamin D is very vital for right coronary heart function and regulates your blood pressure as nicely. Low vitamin D levels had been related to high blood pressure, so it’s ideal to hold the levels of the vitamin under control.
  • Mood swings
Vitamin D plays a large function in serotonin manufacturing, so lack of it may make you feel depressed.
  • Reduced endurance
Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with lower energy levels and reduced performance in athletes.
  • Weight gain
  • Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that resides in our fats cells, and lack of it could cause weight benefit and weight problems. Experts advise growing your vitamin D tiers if you’re obese with a view to preventing similarly health problems as a result of obesity.
    • Digestive issues
    Researches have discovered that humans suffering by vitamin D deficiency also suffer from digestive issues which include Celiac disorder, gluten sensitivity & inflammatory bowel disease).
    • Forehead sweating
    Another sign of vitamin D deficiency is a lot of sweating on the forehead area.
    • Allergies
    A research conducted on more than 6000 subjects have shown that low vitamin D tiers are also associated with allergies.

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